Xerography is a cheaper, grainier, coarser, and less-time consuming animation technique popular in the 60's and 70's (i.e. when all my favorite Disney films came out). Those films remain as living proof (to me at least) that unpolished, popular things created through widespread artistic corner-cutting can be awesome, too.
Similarly, I'm dead positive that I will find and appreciate a lot of weird, wild, and awesome artifacts out there in the scary world, if I just keep in the right frame of mind. (Like, you know, a mystical, open to enlightenment kind of non-frame.) The right mindset might even be able to transform a pop-culture artifact into a cultural relic, worthy of respect.
Furthermore, when attention and appreciation build for the "small" expressions of other cultures, ways of life, systems of thought ... eventually one may find oneself feeling intellectual empathy for a wide range of the big questions. So here, I will let myself be pulled along from pop and folk culture items of interest to Culture with a capital "C."
Acknowledged: that embedded within this process of meditation on objects of consumption is (A) my almost moral commitment to the appreciation of the critically ignored or academically unpopular and (B) my own cultural bias, socio-geographic privilege, and accidental ignorance at work in the opinions I share.
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